In the final video of our Coronavirus Preparedeness Series, Wes Coulson discusses the new Illinois Medicaid “Provisional Eligibility.” Transcript: This the last of our series of COVID-19 related videos. I really wish I could tell you because we were past the Coronavirus pandemic. We’re not, it’s just lingering on past the number of videos I […]
What Can A Living Trust Accomplish That A Will Can’t?
In the eighth video of our Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses the differences between wills and living trusts. Transcript: This is another one that has much more general application, And that is, you’ve heard me in other videos talk about the importance of avoiding probate when you die and me expressing the opinion that […]
Avoiding Probate – Do You Need A Will Or A Living Trust?
In the 7th of our Coronavirus Preparedeness series, Wes Coulson discusses what you need to avoid probate. Transcript: This is one that I think has much broader application. It’s in the series because it’s on people’s mind right now. You know I’ve talked a lot about the importance of avoiding probate, so important question there, […]
“Last Minute Steps” Can Sometimes Avoid Probate
In the sixth video of the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses steps you can take to avoid probate. Transcript: You’re going to hear me a lot in these videos, and other videos, talking about wanting to avoid probate. I make it sound bad I guess I ought to explain to you what probate is, […]
What Needs To Be Done (And Should Be Done) After A Loved One Dies
In the fifth video of the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses what needs to be done (and should be done) after a loved one dies. Transcript: Today I want to talk about something that’s not particularly pleasant, but I know it’s unfortunately impacting some people right now. And that is, I want to talk […]