Hi, I’m Wes Coulson, and this is your Elder Law Minute. Behind my signature, you will see the initials CELA, which stands for Certified Elder Law Attorney. It’s a designation of which I am very proud and I think is of some importance to you. Let me tell you what it took to become a CELA and to renew that certification. First, I had to pass a very rigorous all-day test with a less than 50% pass rate. I have to show proficiency in 13 different fields of elder law, active involvement in representing clients in many different elder law disciplines. I have to do a lot more continuing education than the average attorney and it has to be specifically in elder law areas, and I had to be recommended by at least three other currently practicing CELAs. Very demanding, there aren’t many CELAs. Again, it’s something I’m really proud of and I’m happy to be able to put those skills to use for your benefit. Thanks!