The Coronavirus Preparedness Series explains the major issues you and your family may confront during the coronavirus, and how you can best prepare for them.
What Our Estate Planning Process Looks Like Right Now…
Wes Coulson debuts the first video in the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, discussing what our estate planning process looks like during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transcript: I'm starting this with my mask on to give you a sense of comfort that if you need to come in the office, you will know … [Read More...]
Getting “Something” In Place – Where To Start With Estate Planning…
Wes Coulson debuts the second video in the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, discussing where to start with estate planning Transcript: What I want to talk about today is, I'm going to talk to the people that are saying, "you know, with the concern about the risk of contracting … [Read More...]
The Risks And Consequences Of Not Having A Healthcare Power Of Attorney In Place…
In the third video of the Coronavirus preparedness series, Wes Coulson discusses the importance of having a healthcare power of attorney. Transcript: In another video, I've suggested that one of the documents you really need to have in place right now is a power of attorney for … [Read More...]
The Risks And Consequences Of Not Having A Financial Power Of Attorney In Place…
In the fourth video of the Coronavirus preparedness series, Wes Coulson discusses the importance of having a financial power of attorney. Transcript: In another video, I mentioned that having a power of attorney for financial matters, known legally as a power of attorney for property, is … [Read More...]
What Needs To Be Done (And Should Be Done) After A Loved One Dies…
In the fifth video of the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses what needs to be done (and should be done) after a loved one dies. Transcript: Today I want to talk about something that's not particularly pleasant, but I know it's unfortunately impacting some people right … [Read More...]
“Last Minute Steps” Can Sometimes Avoid Probate…
In the sixth video of the Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses steps you can take to avoid probate. Transcript: You're going to hear me a lot in these videos, and other videos, talking about wanting to avoid probate. I make it sound bad I guess I ought to explain to you … [Read More...]
Avoiding Probate – Do You Need A Will Or A Living Trust?…
In the 7th of our Coronavirus Preparedeness series, Wes Coulson discusses what you need to avoid probate. Transcript: This is one that I think has much broader application. It's in the series because it's on people's mind right now. You know I've talked a lot about the importance of … [Read More...]
What Can A Living Trust Accomplish That A Will Can’t?…
In the eighth video of our Coronavirus Preparedness Series, Wes Coulson discusses the differences between wills and living trusts. Transcript: This is another one that has much more general application, And that is, you've heard me in other videos talk about the importance of avoiding … [Read More...]
Illinois Medicaid “Provisional Eligibility.” Helpful, But Confusing…
In the final video of our Coronavirus Preparedeness Series, Wes Coulson discusses the new Illinois Medicaid "Provisional Eligibility." Transcript: This the last of our series of COVID-19 related videos. I really wish I could tell you because we were past the Coronavirus pandemic. We're … [Read More...]
"Your Trusted Advisor on the Elder Care Journey"
Coulson Elder Law is dedicated to providing families in the St. Louis area with their Elder Law needs. Our practice areas include Asset Preservation Planning, Veterans Benefits, Medicaid Eligibility, Alzheimer's Planning, Special Needs Planning, Estate Planning and more. We understand the financial challenges you may face as you and your loved ones grow older. At Coulson Elder Law, our clients' well-being is our number one priority. For immediate help, call (877)995-6876 or Contact Us and we will get in touch as soon as possible.