Alzheimer’s Planning should be easy since care giving for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. In addition to making sure that your loved one’s daily needs are met, you must deal with the fact that your relationship with this person is no longer what it once was. Plus, you are trying to maintain some sort of life of your own. As a caregiver, you need to take into consideration how you are doing as well. You need to recognize the boundaries between what you can handle on your own and what things you need to get assistance for from others.
Taking on the responsibility of providing for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can often cause the caregiver to experience financial stress. It’s often inconsistent with holding any other job, and reducing household income can often produce financial strain. Despite that, many caregivers feel uncomfortable with the idea of charging a parent or other loved one for their work. Even those who entertain the idea may not have a handle on what’s fair.
Alzheimer’s Planning Solutions:
Fortunately, these issues can often be addressed in a very positive way with proper legal Alzheimer’s planning. This is generally not the type of legal help for which the assistance of a “general practice” attorney would be appropriate. You need an elder law attorney – someone who focuses his or her professional practice in dealing with the specific types of legal issues that Alzheimer’s families face, such as Dent-Coulson Elder Law.