Estate Planning presents a unique opportunity for you to provide for your loved ones after you pass away, to the very best of your ability and in accordance with guidelines you establish. It can also assure that your financial and health care matters will be attended to, by the person you select and as you have directed, if you later become unable to take care of those things personally.
Estate planning is not merely for seniors. Anyone with loved ones and a concern for their future will benefit from having an estate plan. Such possibilities as the birth of additional children and grandchildren, and the deaths of other loved ones, can be anticipated by a well-conceived estate plan.
Estate planning is a very wise investment. After all, we all die sooner or later. Knowing that you have planned and provided for your future and that of your loved ones provides a wonderful feeling of security and peace of mind. To get started, you should do three things: establish planning goals; inventory your assets; and decide who will assist you in carrying out your plan.