In this Elder Law Minute, Wes Coulson, Southern Illinois Elder Law attorney, continues with the four-part series, Changes to VA Eligibility Rules, and discusses some of the pitfalls to avoid when applying for VA pension benefits, especially Aid and Attendance. Major Changes to VA Eligibility Rules: Pitfalls to Avoid Transcript: Hi, I’m Wes Coulson from Dent-Coulson […]
Major Changes to VA Eligibility Rules: Look-Back and Penalties
In this Elder Law Minute, Wes Coulson, Southern Illinois Elder Law attorney, continues with the four-part series, Changes to VA Eligibility Rules, and discusses the biggest change which is the imposition of transfer penalties with a look-back period. ? Major Changes to VA Eligibility Rules: Look-Back and Penalties Transcript: Hi, I’m Wes Coulson from Dent-Coulson Elder […]
Major Changes to VA Eligibility Rules: Asset Allowances
In this Elder Law Minute, Wes Coulson, Southern Illinois Elder Law attorney, begins a four-part series, Changes to VA Eligibility Rules, and in this first video discusses the new asset allowances rules and how they may affect anyone applying for VA benefits. ? Major Changes to VA Eligibility Rules: Asset Allowances Transcript: Hi, I’m Wes Coulson […]
Do Living Trusts Protect Assets From Medicaid or VA Spend Down?
Living Trusts are valuable estate planning tools, but they don’t do anything to protect your life savings from long-term care costs during the Medicaid or VA spend down process. For that purpose, we need a different type of trust that can work together with your Living Trust called an Asset Preservation Trust. In this Elder […]
What you will learn at our free Workshops
The single, biggest threat to your ability, as an older person, to leave an inheritance to your family is long-term care costs. So how can you protect your life savings? Our free and highly informative workshops offer insights on just that! In this Elder Law Minute video, Wes Coulson, Illinois Elder Law attorney, discusses Medicaid; the five-year […]